News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Andover Central by Brian Cannon

Wellsville Lions Club Announces Recent Awards Supporting The Community


Michael T. Baldwin Reports, 8/5/21

The Wellsville Lions Club is dedicated to serve the greater Wellsville Community in keeping with Our Motto: “We Serve.”  One of the ways we do this is through donations in response to requests.  If anyone is in need of our services or financial help, please contact any Lions Club member or visit us on Facebook.

In spite of COVID-19 issues the Wellsville Lions Club continues to provide support to the local community.  Here are the June and July disbursements.

-$243 payment to Allegany Eye Associates for payment for exam and glasses from

the Sight Conservation committee.

-$250 payment to Wayne Paving for materials to stamp concrete at the pocket parks

on Main Street from the Major Projects committee.

-$135 payment to Gary Cole for fencing materials for the pocket parks from the

Major Projects committee.

-$885 payment to Fassett Lane Lumber for materials to complete the renovation of

the pocket parks from the Major Projects committee.

-$350 donation to the Wellsville Country Club Pro-Am to sponsor a hole in the

upcoming event. Last year we received a $1,250 donation in return.

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