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By Cindy El-Gaaly

V-Ry The Sports Guy: Going To NASCAR At Watkins Glen This Sunday!!


The Wellsville Sun’s First Professional Sporting Event Coverage!

From the Editor, 8/4/21

It is great to announce that our sports writer has been approved and received press credentials from NASCAR to attend this weekends race in Watkins Glen. This is pretty exciting for our fledgling publication and for V-Ry: This will be his first professional event as a sports writer. We celebrated the news with a brief interview, asking the Wellsville native about his pending journey to “The Glen:”

WS: Tell us about V-Ry the Sports Guy, aka Vinny Martinelli.  What should readers know about the guy who has been covering sports in WNY for a while but is clearly taking it to a whole new level.

I graduated from WHS in 2006. I received a bachelors degree in business from Alfred State College in 2011. In 2016 I received a masters degree in communications from St. Bonaventure University. Anyone who knows me is aware of my love for sports, which developed at a very young age. I live and breathe this stuff. 

WS: What are you most excited about?  Nervous about?  

I’m excited about the overall atmosphere and experience. The only thing that makes me nervous is failing to prove I belong.

WS: You’ve admitted that you are not the biggest race fan around.  Why did you decide to cover this event ?

 I wanted to cover the event because I know it’s relevant to many of our readers. I follow Formula-1, but NASCAR to a lesser extent. I do enjoy racing in general.

 WS: Have you ever gotten credentials to cover a professional event before?  

 I have been on the field for Bills practice and before a game, but I have never had professional credentials prior to now.

 WS: How does one go about being approved to attend a NASCAR event as a sports writer?

 Getting credentialed is quite easy, it just requires a few forms and an assignment letter from your editor. It’s important to remember however, that you’re not there as a fan, but as a professional.

WS: Being disabled clearly isn’t stopping you from doing what you want.  What do you say to those who feel that their physical limitations are too big of a challenge to overcome?   

What I would say is just live without fear. Never give up, never let your limitations define you. Live outside the box the world is trying to put you in. Right or wrong when someone tells me I can’t do something or life puts up an obstacle, I say: “watch me and tear it down!

 WS: What is next after the big race for V-Ry?  Will the readers of the Wellsville Sun continue to get your weekly updates?  Planning on attending and covering any other professional events in WNY this year ?

 The weekly updates are going to keep coming as well as the in depth analysis. I already attended Bills training camp, and now NASCAR at the Glen. I hope to get out in the field a lot more in the near future for sure.

Stay tuned for V-Ry’s reporting from the Glen, which will appear next week….. Good Luck Sports Writer!!

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