News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Ten Reasons Why We Should Observe Pretrial, Probation and Parole Supervision Week July 18-24, 2021


From Robert P. Starks/Director/Allegany County Probation Department, 7/18/21

Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision Week is a time to recognize and celebrate the dedicated and caring individuals in your community who work tirelessly to make your neighborhoods safer and more vibrant places to live and rear families. These professionals are on duty each and every day to assist juvenile and adult offenders in becoming better citizens with productive lives. Working together makes for stronger bonds between colleagues, community partners, and with those under supervision. Here are 10 ways community corrections is valuable to our nation:

10. Community corrections professionals are committed to promoting services and programs that meet the needs and interests of crime victims and the community.

9. Community corrections professionals promote an integrated, comprehensive approach to dealing with the pervasive problem of substance abuse.

8. Community corrections professionals provide services and programs that provide opportunities for offenders to become law-abiding citizens.

7.   Community corrections professionals offer choices and enforce consequences.

6. Community corrections professionals are caring people.

5.  Community corrections professionals promote community protection through proactive, problem-solving work practices plus interventions aimed at changing criminal and/or delinquent behavior.

4.  Community corrections professionals are dedicated, hard-working individuals who are truly concerned about making a difference in the community where they live.

3.  Community corrections professionals provide core services such as investigations, victim advocacy, community supervision, immediate response to violations and treatment services; all which provide optimum public protection.

2. Community corrections professionals work 24/7 to help make America safe.

  1. Community corrections professionals supervise over five million adults and thousands of juveniles in our communities. Imagine what it would be like without them!
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