News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

The County Beat: Quick Takeaway From June 14th Legislative Meeting


The Allegany County Jail has received re-accreditation from the state; NYS Sheriff’s Association Director Peter Kehoe came from Albany to congratulate Allegany County Sheriff Rick Whitney and his department. “Less than half of the state’s jails are able to receive accreditation once” said Kehoe, the Allegany County Jail has been accredited by the state since 2010. Kehoe presented Whitney with a plaque, afterwards Whitney gave special recognition to Jail Administrator Christopher Ivers, Assistant Jail Administrator Kevin Morsman, Sgt Craig Plaisted, and Sgt Kimberly Reynolds.

June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month, the 15th is Worldwide Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Shannon Ozzella, Crime Victims Coordinator, spoke briefly about the importance of this designation, stating that only 1 in 24 cases of abuse are reported and 1 in 10 older adults are victims. Adult Protective Services Caseworker Belinda Schlafer shared the story of Mrs “Hamilton”, name changed for privacy, a local woman with early dementia who was in need of assistance and the role played by the county, the hospital, and other local agencies in assisting her and those around her. Ms. Schlafer’s story illustrated the complexity of these cases and the many turns they can take; specifically highlighting the importance of and respect for the client’s autonomy throughout the process. After, Chairman Crandall presented a proclamation for Elder Abuse Awareness Month, noting that “eliminating abuse to older persons is each community’s responsibility”.

Two resolutions were passed: one for a budget adjustment to the Sportmen’s Federation, the second an agreement to contract for professional audit services Drescher and Malecki, LLP of Buffalo.

The monthly audits(bills due) were then read in their entirety with total bills to be paid amounting at $5,488,675.10. Approval of payment was unanimous.

Before the meeting adjourned Legislator Hopkins shared that the Genesee Rapids baseball team’s season was in full swing, a pun appreciated by Chairman Crandall, at their home field in Houghton. It’s a family-friendly event and Hopkins encouraged community attendance.

Amie Acton, June 2021

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