News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wellsville's west side by Sandy Rigas

Update on Bald Eagle Nest Destroyed in Wednesday Storm


Wildlife officials with the NYSDEC took John Flurschutz call about a bald eagle nest that had collapsed during a “microburst” in Willing two days ago. Also referred to as a ‘wind sheer’, this weather phenomenon is like a mini-tornado, but with concentrated straight line winds that reach extreme speeds. The lowlands of Willing seem to realize these high wind events more than other Wellsville “suburbs”.

The massive sycamore tree tipped over on Wednesday, and Flurschutz called immediately. After our team of crack nature photographers went to the site on Thursday and discovered at least one surviving fledgling, the NYSDEC prioritized the issue and arrived on site early Friday morning.

From that visit brings good and sad news: The surviving fledgling has been rescued and is with a licensed wildlife rehabilitation facility as you read this. The second fledgling, “did not survive the fall,” stated a NYSDEC official. At least twenty large trees are down in the acres surrounding the now doomed nest site. Bird lovers and those like John Flurschutz who have been watching the eaglets, were happy at least one bird was saved and hoped it can be returned to that breeding ground.

This site has made requests of the NYSDEC to comment on the rescue, the injured eaglet, and where that youngster is convalescing. This is an ongoing story, stay tuned! If you see John Flurschutz, tell him thanks for being on top things, he saved a young American Bald Eagle!!

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