News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

“Microburst” in Willing and Riverside Area on Wednesday Blocks WAG Trail and Downs Bald Eagle Nest


The human residents of Willing living in Riverview Heights weren’t the only ones to experience damage during Wednesday’s microburst storm. The high winds brought down the tree our most prominent resident eagles called home, and along with it their nest and offspring within.

Fortunately, at least one of the eaglets made it through the cataclysm and was spotted today in the wreckage of the eaglets former nursery, while a parent was sighted circling overhead. Rescue is on its way, as the DEC is aware of the event and plans to recover the survivor tomorrow. Hopefully, they can locate its siblings and reunite the trio.

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I-86 Bridge Crossing at the Schoolhouse Road In Randolph Now the Sergeant David Lockwood Memorial Bridge

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