News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Steven Havey: Many Moving Parts


As I reflect over the past three and a half years, I find myself thinking about some of the challenges our County has faced. For instance, the task of creating a budget that does not skimp on services, doesn’t raise taxes and still supports the many mandated programs that we must fund from the State of New York. I have created annual budgets of up to $14 million in my business career, but that did not prepare me for the creation of an Allegany County Annual Budget.

The first thing that struck me was the sheer size and complexity of the budget. There are many moving parts and it would be easy to make a wrong step and find yourself in deep trouble. It was “eye-opening”. There are 26 county departments, all of which must be funded without excess spending, while keeping vital county services available and providing constant improvement in operations for the future. Not easy.

The 2021 budget is $128 million, down by $5 million from 2020. This, again, is not easy and is a team effort. Many thanks go to County Administrator Carissa Knapp and Treasurer Teri Ross. With the support of the Legislature, they submitted a budget that reduces your home’s tax-per-thousand rate for the ninth year in a row. I believe that, as your elected representative, I made a positive difference in the budget process. The budget is only one of the many challenges that are a part of good government. Steady, measurable progress is what I am all about.

We can do without the “drama” that sometimes accompanies newly elected organizations. I am asking for your vote so that I can continue this, and other important work, for Andover and Wellsville. The first big test of the election season is the Republican Primary on June 22nd, and early voting that starts on June 12. I would be honored to represent Andover and Wellsville for another term as your legislator.

I am still running on “Experience, Integrity and Common Sense”. I think we need that now, more than ever. Many thanks for your past support! See you at the polls on the 22nd!

Steven Havey
Legislator District 4
Andover and Wellsville, NY

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