News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Legislature Votes To Spend $186,000, Karl Graves Dissents


Michael T. Baldwin Reports

Allegany County lawmakers on Monday voted to approve transferring an additional $186,000 for the purchase of county complex security cameras and environmental sensors. But it didn’t happen without some debate.

Legislator Karl Graves (R-Wellsville) told the board “I just think this resolution should be tabled.” He noted there were errors and said “this a $186,000 fiscal impact.” He also said it is important to provide staff with a secure environment, but added “I have to vote no.”

However, legislator and Public Safety Chair Mike Healy took issue. He said, “I appreciate legislator Graves concerns and his comments…but I think we’ve been working on this for quite an extended period of time.”  


Undersheriff Kevin Monroe was then invited to weigh in. He said “I don’t have any idea why it should be stopped…I don’t know what policies he (Graves) is talking about…however, I think it has been investigated…I don’t have any reason for it to stop.”

The resolution was later approved by a 14-1 vote, with Leg. Graves casting the opposition vote.

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