The Fassett Greenspace is in Bloom!! This new centerpiece garden on Main Street has many great tulips and other early flowers on display! Volunteers have started planting vegetables and working on a new addition to the space. The Fountainmaster will be opening up the water feature by sculpture artist William Underhill on Saturday May 1st. Keep up to date with happenings at the “Greenspace” on their Facebook page

The Wellsville General Store and Grill is on the cusp of opening this all new concept of food destination and grocery store on the Andover Road(previous Roger Gee Repair). Wellsville native Brad Gena has been teasing future customers on line with previews of a seafood specialties. We are planning on talking with Gena this week about his menu plans and potential grand opening dates. In the meantime, the WGS&G on Facebook is a must follow.
Genesee Valley Rural Revitalization Grants– The Landmark Society of Western New York is administering this project with a goal of restoring and reviving buildings of historic significance. Grant applicants should have a property that holds historic significance or, “historic buildings to preserve the historic places that have shaped rural communities, their social fabric, and economy.”. Visit grant site
From The Hart Store – what a cool store, the Hart Family is solid gold, and this really could be a future anchor business for Main Street. Nancy Hart has done a great job establishing a diverse and unique inventory of clothing and gifts that is already bringing people into downtown Wellsville. Oh and the location is perfect for more than just shopping, The Wellsville Brewery and L’Italia are next door….

Warblers, Catbirds, and Thrashers– Tropical migrants are in town! A walk down the WAG trail and you are bound to see a Brown Thrasher cross your path or hear some of the first catbird and warbler songs of the season. Catbirds carry with them dozens, if not hundreds of other songs from other birds and mimic them in medley form. These ‘medleys’ are always changing in length, complexity, and species imitated. If you like jazz, this your bird!!

Great Village Leadership
If you have been following this site regularly, you’ve hopefully heard more from local leaders than normal. We’ve got a real A-Team running the show, maybe not as flashy, but Mayor Shayler does kind of remind me of George Peppard. Since we’ve been making press inquiries and asking questions, Mayor Shayler has been impressive in his open communication and consistent grasp of the job at hand. Read the latest with The Mayor here
Our new fire Chief Kevin Fleischman is just starting his term and many volunteers are happy to have him at the helm until 2023. Fleischman comes from a long line of family volunteer firefighters who have served the Allegany County community for generations. Read more about the guy who is in charge of putting out the fires, literally.
Last but not least is Tim O’Grady, Chief of the Wellsville Police Department. This Wellsville graduate set roots in Allegany County and we’ve all benefited. He is the ex-Chief of the Alfred Police Department, and former Allegany County Legislator. On top of that, he has lent himself to many local civic groups while raising some great kids with wife Barbara. The Chief runs a mean, clean department. As a well known fiscal conservative in his political career, it seem O’Grady has been able to strike the delicate balance between the budget and the best interests of the village public safety. This Chief is also very transparent and available for questions and interviews. Read our latest interview with O’Grady here.

Tim Shea Plumbing and Heating Now that winter is over…. how many people did Tim Shea help out of some big trouble last winter? Its really not clique to say that they are, who you call, when the problem needs to be addressed quickly and professionally. They also are air conditioning experts, so remember Tim Shea when we are all complaining about the heat in a few weeks…..
Don’t forget our sponsor Walker Business and Staffing Service!! If you are trying to recruit, Walker can take the headache out of hiring, it’s their specialty. Current Focus Jobs: