Pledge to the Flag
Accept the minutes for the Special Board Meeting held on March 29, 2021.
Accept the minutes for the Regular Meeting held on April 12, 2021.
Accept the minutes for the Public Hearing held on April 19, 2021.
1. Discuss 2021 Main Street Flower Planter proposal and map for Board approval.
2. Discuss the annual write-off request for the Department of Public Utilities.
3. Request acceptance and approval of the Application for a Special Event Permit from Gildner & Associates Wealth Management for a “Shred-It” Event, as held in previous years. They are requesting Saturday, May 1, 2021 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, with a shred truck made available for the public and located in the Municipal parking lot.
4. Request acceptance and approval of the Peddling and Soliciting Application from Gregory Elliott – Max’s Pizza Plus LLC for the period of May 1, 2021 through November 1, 2021, selling pizza, breadsticks, cookies, water, soda. A police background check was conducted.
- Request acceptance and approval of the vouchers as listed in the Abstract of Vouchers dated April 26, 2021.
- Request acceptance and approval of the following reports from the Treasurer for March 2021: (a) Treasurer’s Report; (b) Bank Reconciliations; (c)Financial Reports; and (d) Journal Entry Report.
- A Public Hearing was held on April 19, 2021 at 6:00 pm as required by NYS law where comments were considered with no concerns noted and no adjustments made. The Board will now vote on the Tentative Budget and Capital Plan for 2021-2022 in order to submit an approved budget by April 30, 2021 per NYS law.
- Nothing to discuss
- Request acceptance and approval authorizing the award for Supply of Unleaded and Diesel Fuels to the low bidders as follows:
a.) Supply of Unleaded Fuel at a price of $2.0855 per gallon to low bidder, NOCO Energy Corp.
b.) Supply of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel at a price of $2.0580 per gallon to low bidder, NOCO Energy Corp.
c.) Supply of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Winter Blend at a price of $2.0799 per gallon to low bidder, NOCO Energy Corp.
1. Request acceptance and approval of Resolution No. 21/22-01, To Purchase Aquaritrol WTP Software and Hardware.
2. Request acceptance and approval of Resolution No. 20/21-22, An Amending and Restating Bond Resolution, Amending the Bond Resolution That Was Adopted on January 16, 2017, and Authorizing a Sewer System Capital Improvements Project (primarily at the Wastewater Treatment Plant), at an Estimated Maximum Cost of $17,000,000 and Delegating the Power to Issue Bond Anticipation Notes in Anticipation of the Sale of Such Bonds to the Village Treasurer.
1. Nothing to discuss
1. Nothing to discuss
1. Nothing to discuss