From Superintendent David Foster
In school instruction, at our Secondary School (Grades 7-12), will increase to four out of five days beginning on Monday, March 29th. Grade 6 will continue with their current schedule. Wednesdays will remain a day of remote instruction.
Full remote instruction will continue as an option for families currently participating at these grade levels. Families currently receiving full remote instruction, who want to return to four days in school, should contact the Secondary School office, as soon as possible.
Wellsville will continue to adhere to the six-foot social distancing requirement, as well as all of our other current precautions including mask wearing and daily student screenings.
This change was made possible by your assistance and support in keeping your children home when they don’t feel well and abiding by the appropriate requirements. Other contributing factors to making this change possible were the decreased positivity rates locally, vaccination of faculty and staff, extensive planning by the school in use of technology and overflow rooms, which will allow remote instruction internally. A well-deserved thank you is in order for all of those involved in the monumental task of allowing this transition to occur in a safe manner.
Thank you! We look forward to seeing the return of students, for four days per week, on Monday, March 29th!!
David Foster, Superintendent
Wellsville Central School District
(585) 596-2170