News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

By Cindy El-Gaaly

Today’s County Legislative Session Overview


From Michael T. Baldwin, Contributor

Allegany County legislators Monday afternoon unanimously supported the effort of Great Lakes Cheese to build a manufacturing facility in the towns of Amity and Angelica. The move would create 200 new jobs in a $505 million investment. It would move the company out of Cuba.

Legislator William Dibble (R-Little Genesee) said “I strongly support this resolution.”

Debra Root (R-Scio) said “I feel this project is vitally important, perhaps the one big thing that will have the greatest impact on economic stability and growth in this county now and for the future generations to come.”

Legislator John Ricci (R-Belmont) said “I 100% support this…gotta have this…of course, I’d like to have this in Cuba, but Crossroads is a great place for this.”

Dwight Healy (R-Belmont) said this is a positive thing for the county…probably the biggest thing that has happened in the county is my lifetime.”

Judith Hopkins (R-Fillmore) said “I am wholeheartedly behind this project.”

The legislature also offered a moment for county workers who have worked relentlessly during the pandemic, by offering a day off next month…but not every lawmaker was on board.

Wellsville lawmaker Gary Barnes said “ I’m opposing it. I agree that many employees worked extra hard during this, but so did others in the private sector that aren’t going to get a day off. It’s not necessary.

Wellsville Legislator Steve Havey responded by saying “I’ve worked in the private sector. I support this.”

Legislator Janice Burdick (R-Alfred Station) said “This is the least we can do.”

The County Legislature also approved a resolution that condemns the diversion of state sales tax to county governments during the pandemic to fund state operations.

Legislator Brooke Harris (R-Alfred) said “Albany is commandeering sales and it is inexcusable. In 2020, it has cost the county residents $500 thousand dollars.”

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