“Humanity can now conclude that we are not alone as conscious living beings in this vast universe”
A COLUMN By Frederick Sinclair
Earlier this year a Congressional hearing heard testimony, from well vetted and credible officials, officers and pilots, testifying under oath that there has been the retrieval of numerous downed extraterrestrial spacecrafts including onboard what was referred to repeatedly as ‘biologics’. Throughout the hearing, some of the responses to questions, regarding the retrievals and findings, could only be answered in special government sessions convened as top secret proceedings. Once and for all, the only conclusion to be drawn is that Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) aka UFOs are real and special secret forces within our government have possession of downed extraterrestrial craft and crew. To watch the proceedings, see: The Congressional Subcommittee on UAPs, July 26 2023 and the Joint Subcommittee of the House Oversight Committee session Named “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth.” These are two lengthy congressional investigations into the existence of non-human intelligences and the craft they are using to visit and interact with the earth. As the result of these formal investigations federal legislation is being proposed that will demand and make possible the full disclosure of this information including the suppressed, beyond top secret, reverse engineering of technologies that has been and is occurring.
According to this congressional testimony, received under oath, and the scores of whistle blowers and archives of credible information and encounters being disclosed, humanity can now conclude that we are not alone as conscious living beings in this vast universe and its multiple dimensions. This is indeed a rite of passage that will open possibilities as vast as the heavens we now accept as alive and populated. Mankind can now move on. This new level of gnosis (knowing) is transformative and should be carefully nurtured, similar to providing the needs and protection of an infant and sharing in the joys of discovery with the adolescent. There are challenges to this developing awareness that will be forthcoming from forces that seek to maintain and expand the control and subservience of mankind.
It has been predicted that these oligarchs will seize any and all opportunities to convince ‘we the people’ that their global leadership and the new world order is the only thing that can protect mankind from otherworldly threats. The globalist Problem Reaction Solution manipulations will most likely take the form of a false flag alien threat and invasion. Mass hysteria will be utilized to corral humanity into global compliance, similar to the totalitarian controls imposed and voluntary surrender of personal freedoms characteristic of the pandemic. Recently, a publicity event utilized a sophisticated hologram of a gigantic flying saucer directing a powerful beam of light down to the earth as a publicity stunt announcing arrival of a performer. It was startlingly real and one is reminded of the highly sophisticated special effects which create new experiences in virtual reality. We must be mindful of nefarious agendas that might use disclosure as an opportunity to instill fear and increase control of the populace. It is telling, that many reactions of congressional hearing participants are a ‘knee jerk reaction’ assuming that the presence of UAPs-UFOs is a threat to national security. That is the Problem. The Reaction is that we must fear them and prepare to fight off an invasion. The Solution will be that total global control is the only way to endure.
It was fifty years ago that Dr Carol Rosin, personal assistant to Werner Von Braun, was at his dying bedside and he, the worlds’ greatest rocket scientist who took us to the moon, confided to her in his last dying moments “ The last card they will play will be the alien card, and it is all a lie.”