New Alfred State students make their first “A” at Pioneer Stadium
From ASC,
The New Student Convocation at Alfred State College (ASC) was a celebration of the many ways students can see their new careers just on the horizon.
More than 11,000 applied to Alfred State this year showing record-breaking interest in becoming a Pioneer. Joining a campus of more than 3,500 students offers many opportunities for those who moved onto campus this week.
Carrie Cokely, Vice President for Academic Affairs, welcomed all new Pioneers along with ASC President Steve Mauro and Student Senate President Isaiah Dempson. At ASC’s Week of Welcome, the value of engaging in activities, making new friends, learning from experienced faculty, enjoying hands-on learning for career skills, and tapping into support from Alfred State’s caring community are in the spotlight.
“All of us here today are pleased to welcome you officially to Alfred State,” stated Cokely. “We celebrate the beginning of your college career and encourage you to come to any of us with questions throughout your academic career.”
Cokely highlighted some statistics of the newest class of Pioneers.
- Hundreds of students were offered merit scholarships in recognition of their outstanding academic achievements, exceptional skills, and extraordinary talents outside of the classroom.
- Fifty-eight of New York’s 62 counties are represented in the newest class of Pioneers.
- Increasingly more students enrolled from outside of New York State with representation from twenty-two states and six countries.
- Thirty-four percent of Alfred State’s new students are the first in their family to attend college.
Dempson shared advice to the new students as he reflected on his experience as a first-year Pioneer. “I remember when I first got here all I wanted to do was pass my classes and leave. I wanted to fly under the radar and chill. I realized nothing good comes without change. All my friends and experiences on campus have proven that. I would encourage you to embrace change, instead of fearing it.”
After the ceremony, students along with faculty and staff, proceeded to Pioneer Stadium to form the first A of the school year (check out the video).
Alfred State’s Activities Fair featured over ninety clubs and activities on campus and a picnic lunch followed outside the stadium.
Classes for the Fall semester begin on August 26.
Photo Gallery from New Student Convocation
Photo Gallery from the Activities Fair