News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

Friendship Central School new student registration starts Monday August 12


Please make an appointment by calling the school

From Friendship Central School,

Friendship Central School is scheduling appointments for PreK-12 new student registration for the 2024 – 2025 school year starting Monday, August 12, 2024.  Available appointment times will be from 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. each day –

BY  APPOINTMENT  ONLY**Please note:  Families must reside in the Friendship Central School District and children must be 4 years old by December 1 to be eligible for PreK.**  Registrants should call the Guidance Office at 585-973-8873 to schedule an appointment to pick up your enrollment packet(s) and have copies made of your required paperwork.  Arrangements will be made for turning in your completed enrollment paperwork while at your appointment.  Please bring copies of each child’s 2023-2024 final report card, as available.    If any student(s) is/are classified, bringing a copy of the current IEP/504 plan would be very helpful as well.  Please bring all of the following information, for each child, with you for registration.  You must bring in the original documents (or certified copies) listed below and we will make the photocopies; DO NOT bring in photocopies as we need to see the originals:

  • Certified copy of child’s birth certificate
  • Current immunization record signed by doctor or health department employee (signed by health care provider/or authorized staff from their office; or faxed by provider’s office)
  • Any court orders (most recent) pertaining to custody or adoption, if applicable
  • Social security card
  • Telephone and fax numbers for the school your child(ren) last attended
  • Proof of Residency (within the Friendship School District)…

                  which includes any two of the following:

                                    -Automobile and/or home insurance policy

                                    -Automobile registration (driver’s license is not accepted)

                                    -Bank account and/or credit union statement

                                    -Rental/Lease Agreement signed by Landlord*

                                    -Notarized Statement of Residency if living with a family member*

                                    -Paycheck Stub

                                    -Utility bill (electric, phone, cable, etc.)

                                    Note:  All bills/statements must be no older than the previous month.

                                    *These options will only be accepted if you have lived in Friendship for

                                    less than 2 months.

                        Property tax bills are not accepted.

Anyone with questions may call the Guidance Office at 585-973-8873.  Thank you.

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