News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Cuba Lake Gold By Debbie Weatherell

Wiser’s Wramblings-“Forget Me Nots” or Notes


Technology, politics, the “Wiser jinx,” and the birds

A weekly COLUMN By Chuck Wiser, I write the words to share what my eyes see and my heart feels

Invasive Interruptions is a term I just created. Why did I? Because one just happened. I know I’m in the minority as I sit here typing on my laptop, as most people now, young or old, are using their “device” since it is near at hand, or actually in hand. Invasive Interruptions as I will now call them are those items, notes, screen flashes or automagic typing suggestions that “pop up” as you are typing, or when you are browsing through Silk Browser, or Google Search. If you are not aware of them, they may end up as words in the middle of your intended words as you type or peck at your device keys. At the very top of my MS Word app that I use for my editorial endeavors, is a “search bar” that shows a little magnifying glass be-next to the word “Search.”

In this word processing app, you can perform an “oops” or unintended typing by entering or selecting the suggested “undo symbol” which is a small counter clockwise icon with an arrow on the end of it. I’ve been trying to get a picture or insert of the symbol, but it keeps “undoing” what I am trying to do. I managed to find a picture of the symbol, as noted, as I fumbled around through menu choices by selecting “Insert,” “Icons.” I keep learning every time I start Wrambling, when I try getting a little fancy with what I am trying to share with you. I figure that by the time I get into my eighties I’ll be “secretary capable.”  

I was going to add to or start my Wramblings title using the phrase “Let us not forget.” That in turn triggered my recollection of word combinations that make English or language teachers’ groan. If spoken too quickly, or without emphasizing the consonants, it comes out “Let us snot.” Autosuggest might even suggest that it is lettuce knot if you are using speech recognition dictating.

I will start my formal Wrambling with a non-political, political comment, relative to mention of the upcoming Presidential election. My feelings all along have been that we should be able to do better than to have two candidates at, or near, eighty years old. Fortunately, I guess, our current President has withdrawn his re-election plans following a destructive televised episode showing off his age-related mental condition. My resulting euphoria of the replacement candidate for him is dampened by the reality of the condition of the other candidate. Like I already stated…We should be able to choose between two non-octogenarian candidates. That isn’t going to happen.

But I, and apparently many others, remain uplifted and optimistic at the entry of the younger candidate from one of the two (or three) political parties. I’ve heard it said before…”If you don’t vote you have no justification to complain about the results.” PLEASE vote this November. Even if your vote is not the same as mine, it still shows that your action justifies your conviction.

My political leanings are way, way, away from one of the candidates who, in my personal opinion is not capable of, or able to make relevant, rational Presidential decisions. Why can’t others see this, I wonder. Then my mind goes into “rewind” and I remember the 60’s political situation after former President Richard Nixon was in office. Even in the depths of Watergate I could not be convinced that Nixon wasn’t doing a good job, and that he was not at that time, suited, for any reason, to be our President. History proved me wrong. I admitted that years later.

A few weeks ago, I ran across the word Dispensationalism. When I first looked it up my recollection was it was stated to be one of the longest words of some type or other. I planned to write about that but in today’s research I cannot find that description any more. I looked it up just now to discuss herein and its roots and descriptions are all of a religious nature and not at all what my intuition thought it was. I continued my search entering “find longest English spelling words” and the resulting list started the “Eight longest words…” with the following three out of eight: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, Floccinaucinihilipilification, and Thyroparathyroidectomized. I intuitively have a feel for what that last word means.

Don’t worry! Beyond just saying they are long words I won’t carry them any further, but I do recall something to the effect that Dispensationalism was a word used in a spelling contest or something. The “word of the day” back in my day was Antidisestablishmentarianism.

Aviary Update: Our bird watching days filled with the sights of Orioles, Grosbeaks and other migrating birds seem to have come to an end, or at least are close to the end. Yesterday the absence of all but a few juvenile Grosbeaks and Orioles, forewarned of the change. As of 9 AM this morning not one Oriole, and only one Grosbeak had been spotted. Several minutes later three “very” juvenile orioles appeared along with one female Grosbeak. Now, my having talked my wife into buying more Grape Jelly yesterday is going to end up in: “I told you so’s.”

Without going into any more detail than just noting the statements, the two most common Wiser household phrases are; “Go ahead and buy it if you want it,” and “You don’t need that.” You’re on your own figuring out which spouse uses which phrase more typically.

I believe that I have defined the term Wiser Jinx in the past. As a reminder, it is the phenomenon of “TV shows that we like,” and “favored items that we purchase,” being discontinued. I could probably double the number of Murphey’s Laws with mine alone. Most recent evidence of that Jinx reared its head the other day in a doctor’s office where I sat awaiting an injection to help with my neck pain problems. As the procedure began and the “might feel a little prick” already passed, the doctor proclaimed that the syringe wasn’t working, and they would need a new one. “Rinse and repeat” as the instruction goes. They did and I survived. I did not experience any relief either that day, nor the next full day which was yesterday. Miraculously and hopefully continuously as we go on, I awoke this morning essentially pain free. Sitting, reading and writing (as I’m doing herein) still tends to irritate the nerves as the occipital nerves are key to my problem and “eye activity” aggravates the nerve. As soon as I finish this I will sit back and relax and should be good to go…and mow my lawn which I will have to do as both neighbors have now done theirs making ours look the most in need. Note: Spell check doesn’t like “nor” but I do…live with it spellcheck.

The Poem-Pic that follows is from last year but a picture I took earlier this morning was nearly identical, as was the situation so I will just re-cycle last years model.

If you have and cares, concerns, criticisms (or applause) please feel to contact me directly at . I welcome suggestions.

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