News, Politics, and Culture from 14895

Wiedrick Road By Erika Aftuck

OP-ED: A hill to die on…


“The proposed laws will dismantle well established public policy and only benefit telecom and private money interests”

by Frederick Sinclair

Congress is currently experiencing a barrage of proposed legislation which will force and impose a accelerated implementation of wireless communication facilities regardless of public safety, health, aesthetic or historic site impacts. The proposed laws will override established local, state or federal regulation which would in any way allow for public input into the expansion and placement of wireless infrastructure.

There are 11 pieces of federal legislation, concurrently  being ushered through House committee review, which, if approved, will override local zoning regulations, halt environmental review at all levels, and eliminate historic preservation control. It is an all out assault on established public policy, public participation and local governmental oversight.

Behind the scenes the override of local authority is being orchestrated by big money telecommunications interests.  

The matrix, under development, for unrestricted domination over all aspects of information, requires extreme data gathering capability,  high speed wireless data transmission and  a multi-billion dollar ( tax payer subsidized)  wireless infrastructure. The forces manipulating Congress intend to sidestep around any and all obstacles. There is no regard for the cancellation of our constitutionally provided  citizen rights and those of local governance. Those pushing this wireless telecom legislative barrage also hope to attach several of the proposed laws to “must approve” re-appropriation and critical budget bills which unfortunately host numerous last minute under the radar approvals.  Here are a few examples :

  • HR 3557 The American Broadband Deployment Act of 2023: Preempts local zoning, authorizes invalidation of local regulation, imposes impossible compliance deadlines, violates 5th amendment rights of due process and just compensation by stripping private rights of ownership without just compensation for wireless infrastructure invasion and negates private property rights to exclude.
  • HR 4141 Broadband for Americans through Responsible streamlining (BARS) Act: Eliminates NEPA (Environmental) and NHPA (Historic Preservation) review for wireless facilities contrary to the rule of law and recent federal court decisions.
  • HR 3293 Expediting Federal Broadband Deployment Reviews Act: Establishes a “strikeforce” to compel compliance to construct wireless facilities on federal lands (national parks, forests, monuments, etc.), even over local objections to their irresponsible deployment.

In opposition, to this cluster of wireless telecom laws that would authorize the unfettered installation of microwave infrastructure, on towers, poles, roofs, steeples and school grounds,  is a growing  national movement of influential groups (over 20), such as: the National TRUST, US Conference of Mayors, National League of Cities,  Americans for Safe Technology, National Health Federation and The National Association of Counties; to name a few. Informed citizens are weighing in with their local elected officials, Congressmen and Senators, with the message that; these legislative proposals are not protective of the public interest. The proposed laws will dismantle well established public policy and only benefit telecom and private money interests.  

To review a complete analysis of how 11 proposed laws will threaten any remaining local government control over wireless infrastructure, as well as jeopardize national and cyber security, go to ( look under Advocacy and Action).

 Resisting the influence that big telecom has over Congress is certainly an uphill battle, but the loss of local home rule and the blatant industry assault on our personal freedoms, without a doubt,  make resisting this A Hill to Die On !

NOTE: Our Congressman, Nicholas Langworthy, representing the 23rd Congressional District, sits on the Rules Committee through which all proposed legislation must pass. Contact Congressman Langworthy here:

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