Home » News from Tega Cay, SC aka “Wellsville South”
News from Tega Cay, SC aka “Wellsville South”
Wellsville natives basically run the show in this growing community
Catch up on the latest news from Tega Cay Mayor Pro Tem Thomas Hyslip
Brought to you by: From the Hart on Main Street Wellsville
City Council MeetingThe June 20th City Council began with a special presentation to the Fort Mill High School Softball Team for winning the 2022 5A State Championships. The City had budgeted $500k for the connector trail between the Beach Club and Stonecrest, but the total cost estimate has risen to over $1 million. Council approved reallocating the $500k to the following projects: Pay off 2 capital leases: $249,524.32Roof for Catawba Park Stage: $67,126.25Balance to City ReservesDonna Jenkins was appointed to the Planning Commission. City Council approved the award of a bid to Eddie Smith & Sons to build a sidewalk from the Windward Drive crosswalk to the parking lot at Runde Park. The amount cannot exceed $72,000. City Council approved an agreement with Charlotte Independence to manage and operate the City recreational soccer program. The net dollar value of this partnership to the City over the five years will be an estimated $1.063 million. Meeting Video
Tega Cay now has live streaming for City Council Meetings. You can “subscribe” to the city’s YouTube channel and will be notified anytime they “go live.”
June 21, 2022Special City Council MeetingThe South Carolina Department of Natural Resources presented the results of their recent deer study in Tega Cay. Dr. Charles Ruth, DNR Big Game Management Coordinator presented the findings and answered questions from City Council. Here are the highlights (as written by Barbara Wilson)DON’T FEED THE DEERThere are over 700 deer on the peninsula The deer population has doubled in the last 7 yearsThere is a contraception that is about 75% effective the first year and declines after that but does work for several years (gonacon), and it costs about $1000 per deer to trap, administer, and tagCulling the herd costs about $200 per deer, is humanely done via a head shot, is done by one person in safe areas away from homes, uses a sound suppressor, and by law the meat must be donatedThe state is looking at relocation options and cost will be similar to contraception because you have to trap the deer to then relocate it (about $1200)Bucks are more aggressive to people and dogs in the fall during rut and does are more aggressive with fawnsIf we stop feeding them and do culling the deer will revert to their natural state and act more like wild deerLiability is something to consider because the city has been aware of the deer problem for years and has not addressed itCoyotes feed on the fawns, are usually a breeding pair that has staked out a territory, and removing them will be backfilled by young coyotes looking for unoccupied territoryDeer did not migrate to Tega Cay because of habit loss. The population simply grew because there is no hunting and few natural predators. The deer population will continue to grow exponentially. Next steps will be another count this summer of antlered and un-antlered to better understand the mix of deer in Tega Cay.
Fall Sports RegsitrationRegistration for Fall Sports will opened on June 1st for Tega Cay residents. Registration for non-residents opened July 1st, so register quickly. Read more
Service SaturdaysWe need nominations for assistance. If you need help with a project or know someone who does, please nominate them. Service Saturdays are scheduled once in the Spring and once in the Fall of each year. Volunteer / Nominate
New SidewalkContractors have begun construction on a new sidewalk connecting the crosswalk on Tega Cay Dr./Windward Dr. to Runde Park. Work is anticipated to be completed prior to the July 2nd Concert.
New Gray Rock Road ResurfacingThe resurfacing of New Gray Rock Road by the SC DOT has begun. Be mindful of traffic delays and congestions for the next few weeks.
Tega Cay Police Host Camp Cadet
The 7th annual Camp Cadet was hosted by the Tega Cay Police Department. Cadets were exposed to many different aspects of police, fire and first responders, including, SLED Search and Rescue Helicopter Unit, York County SWAT, Rock Hill Bomb Squad, York County Mounted Patrol, York County Drone Unit, Tega Cay Fire Department, and Tega Cay K-9. The Cadets also visited the Charlotte Speed Park and focused on Support and Patience; the Whitewater Center where they focused on Kindness; Adventure Air where they focused on Humility and Fairness; and finally on Day 5 the Cadets attended a magic show and played kickball at Runde Park.
A friendly reminder that a parking permit is required for Windjammer Park, Pitcarin Park and at the Beach and Swim Center. They are free for Tega Cay residents.
Catawba Park UpdateThe walking trails along the event lawn have been paved in addition to several parking lots. The turf on the soccer fields and all purpose fields is complete. Please note, Catawba Park is not open. Please do not use the walking trails or playground.
Tega Cay Croquet ClubThe Tega Cay Croquet Club welcomed the Tega Cay Fire Department and Police Department to the croquet field for day of croquet.
Tega Cay Animal TrailIntroducing the brand new Tega Cay Animal Trail, located on the path surrounding Runde Park! Girl Scout Troop 1727, a group of Girl Scout Cadettes in Tega Cay, created this as part of their Silver Award. Come by and find one of the eight posts, each featuring a painted animal and a QR code linked to a page of fun and interesting information for people of all ages. All of the animals included in this project live in our neighborhood, so you may have seen them around before!
Local Events
Soccer CampTega Cay/Charlotte Independence Professional Soccer Camp
July 11th-15th, 2022. 9AM-12PM. Where: Turner Field. 11114 Water Trace Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29708
Tega Cay and Independence Summer Soccer camps are designed for all players and all skill levels. From the recreation player to the competitive. Expert instructors focus on helping players learn all technical and technical aspects of the game: Dribbling, Passing, Shooting, and ball control. Our curriculum is based on Technique, 1v1, small-sided games all the way up to full-sided games. This camp will also include all the fun camp games like world cup, capture the jewel and many more. Players will learn in a fun environment. These camps will be Monday- Friday, 9AM-12PM.