Open meeting will begin at 5:30pm in village meeting room on Main Street
By Andrew Harris
Last month the Village of Wellsville passed a resolution to begin the process of annexing portions of the “Municipal Parking Lot” using eminent domain. The first step in that process is a public hearing to allow residents and interested parties to address the village board and make a comment for the public record.
Tonight that meeting will be held in the village meeting room at 23 North Main Street at 5:30 with the regular monthly board meeting to follow.
We talked to Mayor Randy Shayler this morning and he shared some key points for those interested in addressing the board or attending the meeting:
- Seating space is limited to 12 seats, standing room only behind the seating, overflow into the lobby.
- If you plan to address the board, you MUST SIGN IN before 5:30. Each speaker will be limited to 5 minutes.
- The village will open the doors for the public hearing at 5:15pm
*The Wellsville Sun will be recording the hearing on video to be published with news from the meeting Tuesday October 10.
Read more about public hearings in New York State: