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Potter County contracts for emergency communications review


From the Potter County Board of Commissioners,

COUDERSPORT, Pa. — Potter County Commissioners have contracted MCM Consulting Group Inc. to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the county’s emergency communications system and develop a technical plan for any recommended enhancements.

“Among all of our priorities, public safety is at the top of the list,” the commissioners said in a news release. “We need to ensure that the 24/7 communication needs of the fire, police and emergency medical personnel from all across the county are being met.”

MCM will be taking a two-pronged approach in assessing the current public safety radio system infrastructure:

  • an inspection and analysis of the county’s public safety radio communications infrastructure;
  • a review of the equipment being used by local and regional emergency response agencies to ensure compatibility and functionality with the county’s infrastructure.

“MCM has conducted numerous radio system assessments and plans for other counties,” the commissioners said. “The company will work with the county’s 9-1-1 personnel, first responder agencies, and the county’s radio system maintenance provider to profile the existing system and identify what works well and where enhancements could be made that are cost-effective, technically sound, and reliable for the users of the system.”

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