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Local Leaders React to Allegany County Fairgrounds Funding


$425,000 from Congressman Langworthy ensures the future of the county fair

From Allegany County, pictured is Langworthy with local leaders touring the fairgrounds in 2023

On March 6, Congressman Nick Langworthy (NY-23) announced the passage of House Resolution H.4366, the “Consolidated Appropriations Bill,” which includes over $425,000 in funding for the Allegany County Fairgrounds. This appropriation was a result of Congressman Langworthy’s Community Project Funding program, which identifies and supports worthy initiatives throughout the 23rd Congressional District. On March 7, Allegany County leaders reacted to the news:

Allegany County Fair Board President David Jennings

“Since 1844, the Allegany County Fair has been a beloved summer attraction in Angelica, New York. Whether you come to see the animals or domestic exhibits, visit the museums, marvel at the skills of our 4-H and youth participants, or just love maple sugar treats, the Fair Board shares in your passion for local agriculture. We’re grateful that Congressman Langworthy has also recognized the Fair’s importance to our community. This funding and his support will ensure that the Fair not only remains sustainable but improves greatly in the coming years. We can’t wait to get to work and share our progress!”

Village of Angelica Mayor Robert Claypool

“We appreciate Congressman Langworthy’s support, offer our congratulations to the Fair Board, and look forward to continuing our strong relationship.”

Allegany County Board Chairman W. Brooke Harris

“We were thrilled to hear the news of Congressman Langworthy’s successful effort to fund the Allegany Fairgrounds improvement project. Since his arrival in Washington, the Congressman has demonstrated a strong commitment to our County. Nick and his team have proven to be accessible, caring, and embrace a “team” mindset when working with us to better our communities. His support of this project is a fine example of this commitment, and we’re grateful for his support. We also need to recognize Economic Development Director Tim Boyde and the team at Delta Development Group for their work on our application. Their efforts were critical in identifying and communicating the importance of this project.”

Allegany County Economic Development Director Tim Boyde

“The federal funding for the County Fairgrounds is great news and signifies the importance both our County and federal leaders place on local grassroots agriculture and commerce.  The fairgrounds is a historic and centralized event location, and one of the few spaces within the County capable of hosting large scale entertainment and educational events, such as the Fair.  This funding will allow for enhanced maintenance and improvements so that this venue can better its efforts to showcase County farms and businesses, enhance tourism, and provide opportunities for vendors to provide retail and food sales, all of which aid the County’s economic condition and growth.  I’m thankful to the Delta Development Group for assisting in the application and monitoring the project through the federal funding cycle.  Most of all, I believe we all look forward to seeing the federal money well spent on a local project and are thankful Congressman Langworthy was successful in responding to this need.”

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